When at work, Spotify has become my new best friend, and I’ve had a lot of fun putting together my own playlists. And, because I’m an egotistical jerk, I thought perhaps these lists should be shared. So, if you use Spotify and would like a little new music, may I present:
Big Band Swing (link)
38 tracks, 2 hours
Sometimes, you just need some good music to cook to. And for me, that music is almost always the Big Band sound of the 1940’s. The music is, for the most part, unabashedly cheery. It just makes you want to get up and do something productive. If your day could use a little pick-me-up, might I recommend listening to this shortish list straight through? It’s set up to give you some blocks of good working music, with a few “breaks” peppered in with the ballads. Aprons and pin curls aren’t necessary, but are strongly encouraged.
1 Comment
Amen, Swing Sista. I found the best cd at the thrift store of Guy Lombardo called The Sweetest Music. And indeed it is, cheers any workday. I’ll send you a copy.