Sock knitting for the year continues apace. I finished another random pair that I’m trying to get a pattern together for; I call them Star Stuff. I sadly can’t show them to you, because I’m trying to get the pattern published! The Great Speckled Yarn Trend of 2017™ rages on unabated, and I have not been immune. I picked up a lovely skein of Primrose Yarn Co. Sophia and decided.. Read More
WAS2017 #2 – Moji 2: The Moji-ening.
Savvy readers will remember last summer I made a pair of lineny pants. Extremely savvy readers may remember this direct quote from the entry introducing those lineny pants: this fabric is woven SO LOOSELY. I not only got the aforementioned holes in the inseam after two wearings, but the reinforced crotch seam started to fray on the butt. WTF Robert Kaufman? I ran through Evelyn’s darning program (not very neatly, I.. Read More