It’s been awhile, I know, and I was doing so well there for a little bit…
There are reasons for everything, though, and most of those reasons center around work. After four and a half years, I quit my job.
Happily, there was another waiting in the wings to save me, and New Job has been great so far. It’s a small company, good people, and work that I find both challenging and enjoyable. It’s also a pretty hefty raise, which should help ease day-to-day tension living in the most expensive city in the US and trying to pay off a the veritable mountain of debt incurred whilst seeking higher education.
I left Old Job for myriad reasons, but mostly because I’d become less than enamored with its corporate behavior and my place there as a cog in a wheel. I was tired of being asked for more commitment without more compensation, and overall, just tired of dealing with the requirements of my position, for which I was ill-suited and from which I had no perceivable escape.
New Job sort of fell into my lap. Before it magically deus-ex-machina’d in, I was battling a pretty darn severe depression. Anyone forced to spend time with me during this period can tell you that it sucked. Neimah should get an award just for putting up with me.
But, as noted, New Job and Trip Home were more than enough to shake me out of it, and I’ve found new passion for life and work and knitting and all sorts of things! Like my store/shop thing! But there might be a bit more of a wait, since I’m trying to run the whole thing off an Etsy store now that I am uncertain that I will continue paying for webspace that I used to get for free. I have some recipes up, along with my sole knitting pattern for a yoga mat bag. I hope to get another pattern posted soon, along with some finished items and more recipes. When I actually have some items in all the categories I’m hoping to sell, I’ll blast it out. So be on the lookout (still)!
In the world o’ knitting, I have a couple finished objects to show off, but a dearth of daylight (hey, I’m a 9-5er now!) and photographical motivation. Pictures soon to come of a lovely short-sleeved cardigan, a lace shawl, a fuzzy hat, and hopefully some socks and a Bananasweater.
On the cooking front, I’ve taken a backseat to The Boy lately. He’s been rocking out the gormeh sabzi, which is a rich and delicious Persian dish with greens and kidney beans and a delicate citrusy flavor. We did get that desired bread machine on our trip home, but I’m ashamed to say we haven’t made a good loaf with it yet… soon… And there is a pasta maker on its way from L’ville and the Nanny Jo. I foresee homemade ravioli in a lemon-butter reduction. Perhaps with scallops and pancetta.
Crap. Now I’m hungry.