I’ve finally gone and done it, folks. I’ve gone stark raving lunatic and decided to COMBINE THE BLOGS! (This is the point in our program when you should be hearing the sinister music swelling to cover my maniacal laughter.)

So after lengthy experimentation with writing my own code, using iWeb, using Dreamweaver (which I still haven’t quite given up on, so don’t get too comfy yet), and using Movable Type, I have decided that the easiest and most thorough use of this webspace for which I pay good money was to combine my two blogs, the “normal” one and the “crafty” one, into one big pan-blog. I searched my soul, and discovered that it’s really all part of the same life, and that anyone who’s interested in reading what I’m to is most likely going to be interested in any and all things I’m up to anyway. So there. I’m going to try to keep it as balanced as I can, and to post as frequently as possible. I really do feel more centered and on top of things when I’ve been logging them on a regular basis, whether any of you yahoos are reading it or not. ; ) Kidding. You know I love you guys.

That being said, on to the real entry!

Life has been extra-busy of late. I’ve just recently finished some intense stage management work with the American Globe Theater, on their mainstage production of Henry V as well as the 2-week marathon known as The Fifteen Minute Play Festival, co-produced with the Turnip Theater Company. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun before. AGT is a great group to work with and for, and I really enjoyed getting to know them, and I think they enjoyed getting to work with me. The one caveat to all this wonderful theater work is that it reminds me most forcefully of why I chose this profession in the first place: I’m well suited to this work and it makes me very very happy. This is problematic, since I have now returned to the daily grind at the Fruit Shop, and am even more disenchanted than when I took my little hiatus. Now, this isn’t to say that we don’t have our fun:


This is Collin. He is wearing the rear encasing of an eMac on his head. About a half hour after this photo was taken, we (he, my supervisor Chris, and I) broke down and had a twenty minute dance party to the musical stylings of SeƱor Coconut. Working in Installs is not without its fun moments, but it’s not my job, not in the same way as management is. Sigh.

I have a job interview next Wednesday for a gig stage managing what basically amounts to Shakespeare Summer Camp for highschoolers in Princeton, NJ. Five weeks of hanging out on the Princeton campus and in the McCarter Theater, and getting paid to do work I love. Sounds like the best thing ever, no? If only juggling the mundane requirements of life, like rent and food and student loans, were more compatible with doing the things I really love. Isn’t that everyone’s life struggle?

On the knitting front, I’ve been busy and semi-prolific, as usual. I think I might kill my MT software if I try to upload pictures of ALL the things I’ve completed since last I posted in January (a quick glance at Ravelry shows that to be 11… wow!), so I’ll give you the two most recent/proudest additions to my FO family:

Coco Bella Rose

On the left, my Coco (ravlink), a very French and floaty lace sweater that is certainly the best thing I’ve made yet. The sizing is just right, it’s mostly free of glaring errors, and I took great care with the finishing. No matter that I managed to snag it on something during its maiden wearing. ; )

On the right, a little dress for Miss Bella Rose (ravlink). Made of pretty light green organic cotton, it’s cabled and lacy and lovely. I need to deliver it to its 5-month-old recipient, so she can hopefully get some wear out of it this summer before her exponential growth rate renders it useless. I was very happy with the way it turned out, and it is also my first foray into knitting a pattern from the always-excellent Twist Collective. It will not be my last. They certainly know how to pick ’em. Their designers and patterns are constantly without parallel. I loves.

In other knitting/nerd news, I have joined a group on Ravelry that is starting a sort of competitive knitalong of Battlestar-Galactica inspired projects. I am beyond excited, which just proves my incredible nerdiness. Two great tastes that taste great together. : ) I will likely be posting quite a few progress shots of those works in the next couple weeks.

And for a “I haven’t written in ages” entry, that’s really all I’ve got to say. I’m going to go spread this spurt of productivity amongst some other of my projects now. Ta!

And just because:
