The keeper of the city keysPuts shutters on the dreamsI wait outside the pilgrim’s doorWith insufficient schemesThe black queen chants the funeral marchThe cracked brass bells will ringTo summon back the fire witchTo the court of the crimson king King Crimson, In The Court of the Crimson King It’s taking too long. Far too long. I’m pacing outside in the long stone hallway, trying not to burn holes in the.. Read More
小怪兽 or, in pursuit of a pseudonym.
I started thinking after writing the last post…about That Guy. We’re trying to keep him off the internet as much as is humanly possible in this day and age, at least until he can weigh the consequences for himself and make his own decisions about his online life. So far his face appears in only one Instagram post (by his dad). But he’s alive. And he’s part of our lives… Read More
Hoo boy.
This whole kid-having thing is no joke, guys. Here we are, almost ten months down the road from the arrival of That Guy, and I’m only just starting to feel like I have the time to, like, do stuff. That isn’t momming or momming-related. It’s a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I love the crap out of That Guy. He is adorable and squishy and endlessly entertaining when he’s not.. Read More